Maths with KS2Gems

Our Maths resources reflect our philosophy that activity-based learning has a key role in the teaching of Maths. Our Activity Packs, for each area of Maths, provide each year group with a range of activities matched to the National Curriculum objectives. Resources to implement the activities are either readily available in most classrooms or are available to download.

To become fluent with Arithmetic skills requires practice – Four in Four is a resource designed to promote fluency, speed and accuracy in written calculations. There are sets of sheets for single, two or four operations, all of which are supplied with answers. Each set has 10 sheets with 4 questions per sheet; within the sets the level of challenge is varied.

Times Table knowledge is an important part of the Maths curriculum. Our range of resources: Nifty Fifty; Ten a Day and Big Challenges for all year groups is designed to facilitate learning of the facts and regular retrieval practice.

Mental calculation is a key skill – our range of Loop cards for each year group covers a wide range of objectives. Our Target Boards are great for a starter activity or as a plenary; each board has a range of numbers appropriate to the objective. The teacher asks questions to elicit responses to fit criteria; for example ‘Whish numbers have a tenths value greater than 5?’ or ‘Arrange the top row in ascending order.’