Half Term Musings

I don’t know about you, but I always find being told to ‘relax’ unhelpful – in fact that made me even more tense! The truth is that, often, you are so exhausted by half term all you want to do is sleep, not finding things to do to help you relax!

Having said that, we all know that stepping back from the classroom, switching off the ‘teacher brain’ is essential for each of us. That’s the thing, we are unique and we all ‘relax’ in different ways; so what works for one person may not work for someone else. For me, I had to get the marking up to date and the planning for the  next half term sorted before I could chill – I couldn’t bear the thought of it hanging over me all half term. Some people work better the other way round. It really doesn’t matter which is your preference, as long as you make sure that the majority of half term is spent doing the things you want to do, with the people you want to do them, at the time you want to do them and for as long as you want.

So, I’m not going to tell you what to do this half term – just enjoy it and return to the classroom refreshed and happy.

Happy teachers = Happy pupils