Summertime and the living is easy – or is it?

Whoever said that the summer term is the ‘winding-down’ term has never set foot in a primary or secondary school . It doesn’t matter which year group you teach, the term is as busy as any other and might be the busiest of the entire year.

Alongside all the ‘usual’ teaching and learning, this term is crammed full of one-off events: Sports Day; residentials; day trips; report-writing; KS1 and 2 assessments; Leavers’ performances; phonics screening; multiplication tables check. Add into this the preparation for changes for the next academic year: moving class; new teachers; new school; new Headteachers; new policies – and there really is no time to breathe. Of course, teachers will have other things to consider, especially if they are moving to a new school in September or hunting for that next step in their lives.

All of these activities provide a rich experience and, often, unique opportunities for our children – things that they have been denied for the last 2 years. We owe it to them to go the extra mile, to give them memories to cherish forever.

However, we all need to find time and space to put this plethora of activities to one side, so that we can enjoy it; relax and appreciate what we have. How do teachers do that?

For me, I use the half hour drive through beautiful countryside to enjoy nature and switch my ‘teacher brain’ off. Going for a walk with friends straight after the school day finishes, before tackling the marking or prep for the next day or enjoying a cuppa and a biscuit or three with colleagues and chewing over the day’s events – small things which reap enormous rewards.

Enjoy this summer term – the first ‘normal’ one since 2019 but take care of yourself too.

Happy Summer Term!